Mahdin English Portfolio
Language & Literacy Narrative Cover letter

Language & Literacy Narrative Cover letter

Cover letter

In the essay, I explore my journey with the English language, cultural adaptation, and the power of self-acceptance. This narrative reflects my determination, durability, and growth throughout the process of learning a new language and embracing my unique identity. I have attached the essay to this cover letter and want you to read it and have some personal perspective on it. 

There are different kinds of people in the world with different cultures and traditions. Some have their language and some have their own culture. I am the one who is also the same but I have my perspective on learning new English which is important for me and also for my family. As I talked about my experience of learning the English language and cultural adaptation in the essay I thought of the time of my life when I was struggling with the English language. I felt different as I wrote about it and also how I changed as time passed in English. This essay taught me how writing, speaking, and listening help you to be better in any language. But I also need dedication and hard work to achieve that goal. I learned that it is not easy to speak a new language, but it is not impossible either. I think that besides English other languages are extremely hard to learn and speak fluently but it’s not, because I also know other languages except English. Learning a language is like math equations. You always have to practice to know how to solve it, which is the same thing as learning a language. You always have to practice, try to speak and listen in the language. In conclusion, I am proud of myself that I can speak English fluently, and that I help my family or relatives in need with my experiences in English.