Mahdin English Portfolio
Peer profile (First Draft)

Peer profile (First Draft)

First Draft

Fairuj Maliha has a beautiful dream and a goal that she is determined to achieve at any cost. Individuals with such strong commitments can often accomplish their aspirations. Maliha hails from a country where everything was challenging, but she had a caring and loving family who provided her with protection and support. “I am grateful for my family for helping me in my English learning” This quote explains how grateful she was to her parents and they helped her out with it. Upon moving to the United States and facing many new experiences, she encountered struggles with the English language and had to confront various challenges. Her family members were primarily occupied with their work, which limited the time they could spend with her during her school admission. Nevertheless, after persevering through language difficulties, she successfully gained school admission.

Throughout her middle school years, Maliha found invaluable assistance from her friends in her journey to master the English language. Practicing and engaging in conversations with friends is one of the most effective ways to learn a language. Maliha’s friendly and kind nature endeared her to people, and she made many friends, myself included.

Transitioning to high school, she was prepared for new challenges. However, high school posed more significant difficulties, given that her English skills were still developing. Despite these challenges, her academic performance remained exceptional. She dedicated herself to achieving top grades in every class, although her path had its ups and downs. In my interview with her, I discovered that she is an incredibly focused and hardworking individual who loves to acquire new knowledge and explore uncharted territories. This drive and dedication make her exceptional at what she does.

“College is a new world compared to high school where you have to do everything yourself and be responsible for your work. ‘Don’t trust people easily because they can hold you back.’ At first, when she said that in the interview, I didn’t understand, but now I do. People in college are often confused with things, and it can be challenging to ask for help, so they get desperate. This makes them trust people easily, and that is not good because some people will take advantage of you or use you for their own benefit without helping you, as I have come to understand, and it affected her too.

During her first day in college, she asked for help from a student who was not even from the college but acted like he knew everything. He took her to a part of the college where there were no people, and as soon as she sensed something was wrong, she called the college security and asked for help. The student ran away. From this experience, she learned not to trust people easily and to be careful about whom she asks for help.

College is a diverse place where people from around the world pursue their desired fields of study. It’s a great place to make friends, but it’s not easy for her. Most of her friends from high school go to City College, which helps her to meet them and study together. ‘I really like college compared to high school because it’s much freer and teaches you how to be independent, explore new things, and gain experiences.’ This quote reflects her excitement about her college journey and her plans for managing her time and stress effectively.